
In keeping with my National Poetry Month ritual of blindly choosing a random word from the dictionary to riff a poem off of, I read the definition for “crankshaft,” and realize I don’t really understand what one is or how one works. Like eating canned peas that always make me gag a little, I search …


I never saw myself living in a large house with kids and a wife, though sometimes now I imagine being happy to have them, until I realize they’re too much distraction, noise, motion, and energy, at least for now. Also, there is the fact that I had a wife once, and I’ve worked with children …

The Goldfish

The goldfish kept dying in my fish tank and I couldn’t figure out why. “Have you gotten rid of anything that might hurt them,” Donny said. He’d been my go-to at the pet shop for decades. “Yeah, I took out all the things, minus the water,” I said. “Ah, there’s your problem,” he said. “What’s …


Practically falling out of our buskins, we all come home eventually. One way or another, we arrive, to see all we’ve loved and lost hanging over us, from a heaven we thought we wanted. In high school I wore buskin-like sandals that resembled boots worn in ancient Greece, and it wasn’t long before they earned …

Before Medicare

Sometimes when I’m walking from work alongside kids who live close to the school, I imagine living on a car-free island, where everybody carries a backpack, and there’s no electricity or computers, and where neighbors at the end of a long day, come over to your house to quietly sit on your porch with you …